Ok......... This post was suppose to happen on Wednesday 14 November, but it became an impossibility to find the time to post owt until now...... :)

Ya see, my Sam turned 18 on Wednesday...... my 3rd son of 4... technically he would of been my 5th living child.... but shit happens and so I was grateful of delivering the most beautiful healthy child that took my breath away from the minute he was born......
He was a bit of a whopper at 9lb 4lb..... and now he stands just a tad under 6 foot and size 12 shoes and still growing...
He was only 10 days old when he got sick and lost half his birth weight and spent a fortnight in hospital on drips and with tubes trying to fight a lung infection...... but he was a fighter and eventually he came home just in time for christmas, he has a round mark at the base of his throat, thats where he had a tube put in, I tell him its his third nipple LOL.....

This is Sam at about 3 months old...
When his hair grew he had hair like Shirley Temple lol..... big long ringlets lmfao

I love my sons for whom they are as individuals cos they are all so completely different.... my Sam is the joker of the bunch...... he only has to walk in a room and he can make me laff..... he does daft things, stupid things at times and extremely danagerous things at times that makes me wonder how he has got to 18 lol
He is one of the funniest young people I know...... Ive raised this boy since he was 10 completely on me own, well with his brothers of course.... when I look at him my heart swells with pride and such love...... he aint been an easy ride for any of us......
Ya see, when he was just 4 1/2 years old he was crossing the road down in the village with me, he was holding on to me jacket as we crossed the road, cos I was pushing a buggy with his baby brother in and 3 minded nippers in tow..... the car went through a red light and as I turned my head as I heard it approaching at speed I knew it was going to hit us, but I was just that step infront of my Sam and it ploughed into him, knocking him 8 foot into the air and then coming down to land on the bonnet of the car which then knocked him 18 foot along the road (the police measurement)...... that is the day my world changed forever, that is the day that would affect the rest of our lives.... my child was laying in the middle of the road 18 or so foot from me all bent and twisted, I could hear someone screaming, that prime evil scream of dispair....... the man in the bank at the top end of the village heard this scream 100 yrds away...... that scream I realised was coming from me..... I thought my child was dead...... the world stopped and I walked ever so slowly to my child, he was bent and twisted and covered in so much blood that he was almost unreckonizable, someone picked him up, it was the doctor from the doctors surgery, that had heard the noise and had rushed out, ambulances arrived and police and someone took the minded kids off me and someone went to get my then husband...... and Sam was rushed to hospital fighting for his life......
He had smashed his femurs and had lost most of the skin off his little body, and had a crushed chest and the impact had pushed all his internal organs up into his ribcage, but he was alive and in icu...... he was in hopital for over 8 weeks....one of us there with him 24 hours a day, whilst the other was home with our remainding 3 children....
I couldnt post a picture of him cos they are to upsetting still....

This was Sam just a few months before the accident, aint he cute :)
I bought him roller skates and a bike for that first christmas home, there is no way I was gonna pussyfoot around him cos of his injuries, I needed him to be tough and strong and not a whimp and scared to do things in life..... he started his first day at school on crutches, he was only out of hospital 3 days when I packed him off to school...... he had already missed a third of the year, of his start at school and needed to be where he belonged..... learning and growing with his little friends, not wrapped in cotton wool at home with me........ aint I a hard bitch LOL
Anyways....... lots happened to our lives in the months after the accident, and it was the beginning of the end of family life as we knew it....... but thats another story LOL
So this gorgous child grew and grew, he became the most amazing sportsman, seeing as how the hospital said he would never be able to play competitive rough sports...... yeah, well like that was gonna stop my Sam or even stop me letting him try..... he played soccer and field hockey and Tchoukball and joined the climbing club as school and he became the most amazing bloody skateboarder ever...... and they said he would never play sports.... he proved the experts WRONG :)

This is Sam skateboarding off the garages over at the junior school carpark..... told ya he was dangerous lol
Sam has broken so many bones I cant list them all LOL..... and on his 18th birthday last wednesday we even spent the morning down the hospital with what was believed to be a broken wrist lol

This was on wednesday outside the Xray department (being refurbished) waiting for his Xrays LOL

Even with a broken arm last year it didnt stop him sussing out that if you stood on the sofa in this middle room and ya jumped backwards and timed it right so that your back landed on the giant ball, ya could do a backwards flip and land on ya feet LOL......
This boy was NEVER suppose to play sports LOL
He is also into Urban Tricking which is where ya do back flips etc off tall structures etc....... and my Jacob has just got into it, so many many more broken limbs to come......
He has no fear, he is an extreme skater...... but how funny is this..... he is terrified of spiders lmfao little cute tiny spiders......
He is one of the popular most young men I know, and has a huge aray of maties, most of whom come and go in this house like it clapham junction lol.....
As well as his love/passion for skateboarding his other passion is his drums....... he is one son of a gun freaking amazing drummer...... he is in a band called Miles From Anywhere, and they do all the local gigs and circuits....... he passion is music and he is at college doing a National Diploma BTech in Music Technology, he is in his second year 16-18 and then he can choose to go on to uni or do whatever he wishes.... the choice will be his......

His drumkit has cost me a fortune over the years lol..... but how can a parent not encourage a passion..... its more then a passion...... he has a gift...... a gift that will be there in any downtimes in his life....
This is Sam during one of the Battle of the Band gigs during the year......
He is an avid gig goer lol and his most favourite band is NoFX which is a doodle punk band and he is always off to london to go watch gigs and somehow he and his maties always get to be invited onto the tour buses with the bands.... music is his passion in life...
There is so much I could write about my Sam, I could write a book on his exploits and the person he is....... he makes me smile, he aint perfect, and we have had our dingdongs with each other...... but he has compassion and a love of life of the like I aint seen in anyone his age before....

Sam just so makes me laff......

He has had hundreds of hair styles over the years but one of the best was this one that we did last year....... I aint no hairdresser but the fun I have with his hair LOL those are shaved bits in the side :)....
Just so much I could write about my Sam...... he knows that I love him with all I have, he knows that through thick and thin I will stand by his side and hold his hand if need be..... he knows I would lay my life on the line for him....... and I know it is all returned......

This is how he went out on halloween LMFAO...... sometimes I dispair, but he so makes me laff.....
So, what gift besides my wisdom did I give to my Sam on this birthday...... well, he has to wait until Monday for his pressie LOL...... its being delivered then.....
Ya see, my Sam does 3 long hard 8-9 hour days at college mon-wed and he now has a job 3 long long days a week to :) thur-sat.... he only gets sundays off to himself...... I am proud of this young man, I am proud of how far he has come...... I am so very proud to call him my Son...... my funny daft crazy extreme son....
Look, ya see, when me X left me alone with 4 sons to raise completely on me own.... I had to buy him out of our home, it was not easy, and I worked me socks off to keep a roof over my sons heads...... and I opened a savings account for my younger 2 sons...... so that when they turned 18 I could help them with that step into independance......(my older 2 who were 14 and 16 I had already placed something in line for them) every week for 7 or so years I have ferretted a few quid here and a few quid there away for them....... and this week I emptied Sams account to buy him his gift of freedom......it was something very important to me, ya probably wont understand what Im on about, but me matie Wendy (PT) does :) - so this is the gift that will be delivered on Monday for my Sams 18th birthday pressie from me......

His job came at the right time, cos the insurance of $3400 a year is up to him..... I hope he drives with care and safely.... I gave him the gift of driving lessons this past 6 months it cost me $800 to get him through his lessons and through his theory and driving test....... Ive now done me bit, I done all I can.......lets take bets on how long before he ditches the car LOL
His first little car....... so I send my son out into the world of adulthood...... I have done all I possibly can under extreme circumstance in life...... he have come through so many things together.... we have laffed at life when life was kicking us all in the teeth......... I hope he deeply knows how much I love and honour him and that no matter where I end up in the world..... I will always be there for him....

I LOVE this bad arse picture of my Sam LOL it would make a great album cover :)
Sam..... I know you dont even know about me blob, and you will never read this..... but I love you with all I have and I always will..... always...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON.....
TomJacobEnuff Precious Twaddle for a dark wet Saturday evening....