I am totally GOBSMACKED..........
More proper Twaddle in a bit.... Jebus
So it was more then 30 minutes lol - I HAVE a life ya know.... be it mental or what, its still a life......
Ok........ One day my life might be normal, as in, it runs smooth and gently along like most other peoples........ on saying that, would I really want that, cos to laff the way I did today, well, it even beats all the tea in china, all the dosh in anyones bank account, cos its priceless.....
So, only 7 nippers before school this morning, so I bundle them all into me car for the school run, we took the car and didnt walk cos I was off out after to the farmers market with one of me maties...... GREAT....... only 3 babies to take with us.... thats a doddle......
We buy loads of fresh fruit and veggies etc..... I even found a blokie selling BIRD TABLE stuff......so I hunts around and finds some MORE bits for me birdless birdtable...... my friend is ALREADY laffing and taking the piss out of me and by now its only 9.45ish..... after the farmers market we had some lunch out and then nipped up into town to pick up some bits and bobs......... NOTHING gobsmacking about that right?........ we should get back just in time for the school pick up, and I would be having 9 after school today......... so on the drive back (my turn to drive) me maties mobile rings, and she says 'ok ok HURRY UP THEN'..... so I says....ok who was that....... to which she says....... nuffin.... and she started to laff....which started me off, so we was like 2 loons laffing that stupid uncontrolable giggles.......
I drops me matie off home, with 'I'll see you in 15 minutes over the school' .... ok she says, and more laffing.... so I pulls up outside me house and unload me bits and the babies and walk round the back door.....
There in all its glory is me birdless bird table WITH THIS.........
Whilst me and me matie was out today, me other matie thought it very amusing to stick a flat wooden heron and a flat wooden duck under me birdless bird table...... I GLAD EVERYONE THINKS ITS SO BLEEDIN FUNNY.........
But thats NOT the sign........
So, I dash(hobble) over the school, pick up from infants and then make our way over to the juniors...... there we are standing outside the school gates, when about 20 foot infront of us on the little bramble patch, some lads are running around screaming and shouting...... someone said they was chasing a BIRD....... so I goes over and says..... hey hey lads, its not good to be chasing anything, you will really scare it....... but when I peer into the bushes......... its only a bloody chicken they have been chasing..... A REAL BLOODY CHICKEN... white with speckled head ...........OMG, so me being me, climbs into the brambles and grabs this chicken and tucks it under me arm and walks back over to me maties LMFAO........ omg talk about laff..... we laffed and laffed......... so Ann says, and what are ya gonna do with that? - Im gonna keep it as a pet, I says....... more hysterical laffing..... and much rolling of eyes.......
So, home I hobble with 9 nippers in tow and a chicken under me arm...... now the chicken is in a box in me kitchen lol WTF am I gonna do with a chicken, we were gonna be getting some chickens come the spring, but oh my goodness....... ITS A SIGN ...... maybe tomorrow there will be queues of birds on me birdless bird table....... maybe Reggie is the BIRD GOD.........
Yep........ Ive called it Reggie.....
So from flat wooden bloody birds and mental maties.... to Reggie in me kitchen in a box eating wild bird food for his supper...... :)
Life aye...... godsmacking some days it is......
Enough Twaddle for one day...... Reggie needs sorting out lol
I'm holding my breath here...jeebus, hurry, I'm turning blue...
A gift from Providence! Ah, Reggie...come to dinner.
Where's the paprika?
~(((Fool)))~ oye you keep your hands off me chicken lol..... Im gonna teach him to come through our catflap.... Colin our Cockeral use to come in and out of the catflap LMFAO.......
RIP Colin.......
I am so sad to report, M
(note the lack of the next three letters), that last fall I had 9 chickens gathered in much the same way. Lots of people have rescue dogs (As is one of mine) and cats and all but I had 9 rescue CHICKENS. They were from all over: one flew off a Decoster egg truck, two were from a prank gone wrong in a local high school (they were left in a locker, another found wandering on the highway, etc. I immediately recommisioned the chicken room in the barn and gave them free range of the back 40. All was fine for a few weeks until one day I came home and 3 were missing. Hmmmm. Could be foxes come for a chock dinner or coyotes but I left the door open in case they came back. A few days later they were all late coming back except for one so I went looking for them. After coming back from the lower field I saw the last remaining poor beast in the jaws of the culprit, my ex's golden retriever was dashing from the barn with the last of the rescued hens in her mouth. So much for sanctuary. I expect you will do better!
Ta-ta for now.
Oh, marm...LOL...
~((Shark))~ :) we use to keep chickens up our nursery, me X got the chickens I got the kids lol..... :)
Me maties KNOW me passion for chickens..... if you wasnt already married, I would marry ya for ya chickens LMFAO hahahahahaha
The maties that I hang around with, well, I love em to death and would lay me life on the line for any of them or their kids.... BUT they are townies and they scarpered once I had the chicken and thought I was quite MAD to wanna keep it lmfao......they hate chickens and camping and woods and worms and mud lmfao........ its a wonder we are all such friends :) x
~((Jump))~ DONT START lol x
(((maties))) - its almost midnight here and I can hardly keep me eyes open any longer..... by Friday Im so very knackered....... so I'll bid ya a good nite...
remember, plugs, cats, lights.... and put the lid on Reggies box :)
yahhhh I get to get a lay-in in the morning.... so tea and toast about 8ish please :)
nite xx
Don't start?
Sweetie, I can't stop!
Deep sleep...
"Oh, I know a chicken named Reggie..."
Why did you give your chicken a boy name?
~Jump~ 'DONT Start' said in the context in which I said it and in the tone, dont actually mean 'dont start' LMFAO....... it means like 'DONT start like all the others taking the piss with ya laffing' LMFAO...... ok thats probably confusing... x
~side note~ welcome back...... well, dont you think it looks like a little chappie? we will see if it lays an egg :) then if so, will probably have to rename him/her regina ;) x
If he starts crowing at dawn, you'll know.
~Side Note~ dam then, cos it was dead quiet in me house at dawn... but then he was in a box and it was dark, so maybe he didnt know it was sunrise...... omg, he aint cockerdoddledo'd all day either :( I finks its not a blokie chicken...... sigh..... might have to rethink the name....... I might call it Janet LMFAO
It IS a sign. Nice save.
I think he looks like a very fine and fancy chappie, indeed, in his formal black and white! LOL!
Cute thing...
If Reggie does start laying eggs, you will have the answer to the eternal question: "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"
Hysterical! One of your best! People soooo have to know you and talk to you live to appreciate the fullness of this tale.
But, for me, the best?
"RIP Colin"
When you did that pet thing on Mr. Fab's site a few months back, I was completely undone. I could not stop laughing. Every other comment was one from you describing one of your "pets", their name and how they died...ending with that "RIP" business.
Just the flippin' best, Marmy. You know I love the pet stories...they're the stuff you should submit somewhere...great, great (and all true!) tales.
God, I do love you, girl.
Now, about those signs. Oh yes, oh hell yes...
(wink wink) That's what makes us blood sisters, baby. :)
and that's one damned cute boy. ;)
~Jump~ yep mighty fine :) lol x
~sidenote~ Reggie got his official name change this afternoon...... Reggie is now called Janet :) LMFAO..... there was no balls on Reggie, not even sweet and sour balls lol x
~(((Wendy)))~ :) I just wish I had the imagination to make some of this shit up LOL but alas its all bloody true....... gawd it never stops lmfao...... I have so many RIP stories, it would take me a lifetime to post them.....
Ya love me? :) WoooHoooo I be LOVED :) XXX loves ya to :)
~JBelle~ fanks, he is my baby lol and a fine figure of a lad lol.... :) xx
there was no balls on Reggie, not even sweet and sour balls lol x
Laughing my fucking ass off!
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