Ok............ Been a busy busy week this week, and Im well knackered....... so could of done without a meeting today...... so many new OFSTED rules and regulations to go over..... bloody hell and gawds sake.......
Anyways..... So cos I have the biggest car, Im always the one that has to pick everyone else up for meetings etc...... but today I was a tad late on the pick up cos I was having it out with PT on her blob..... so I quickly shove the kids in the car.... thats scabbie jack, just jack, sprite, and snotty Rhys... and nip round to get me matie Ann...... so I says to her, where are we suppose to be having this meeting........ and she says ........ oh at Julia's house....... with that she just burst out laffing and laffing which started me off well bad....... I just turned to her and said........ cripes, do you remember....... and she said OMG OMG I dont think we should go.........
Ok, this will bore anyone to death, but, does it look like Im bovvered...... we was laffing cos we BOTH had a flashback to about 2 years ago........ and if me matie Sharon had been in the car today, I think we would of given the meeting a miss and just gone up the pub, kids and all........
Two years ago almost to the week, we had another meeting at this persons house, and as usual me and me maties was running late...... anyways......... this house is down a dead end road and the parking is well bad.... so I puts me foot down and weave in and out of all the parked cars like some loon.......and there in me vision at the end of the dead end is Julia's house, you must understand this woman is well posh, not just that but she is well boring and a right stick in the mud, and if Im honest I dont think she likes me much lol...... maybe its cos I asked her once if she was actually a registered midget cos she is well short...... it was an honest mistake......
cripes off track again........... so there is Julias house, bloody cars everywhere, Ann is moaning cos we are late and Sharon is moaning cos there is no where to park........ so I says..... shall I just double park and sod em..... no no they shout.... ok, I'll just park across someones drive and if they need to get in they can come knock and ask me to move......
You see, my car is KNOWN in this village by me trademark thing in the back window.. its been in me car for 16 years now......... its a life size screaming baby with a wide open mouth and arms in the air...... :) ......anyways...... so I says, there aint nowhere to park....... so Sharon says (which I later found out was just a joke, but at the time of being late and not thinking right, I thought she was serious)... JUST PARK ON JULIA'S FRONT LAWN......... *giggling as I type this* ...........
OK, I says, and with that I mount the kerb, drive over the pavement, across Julias spring flower border across her lawn......... and skid to a halt about a foot from her front window......... :) there I say....... PARKED........ we are so laffing, you bloody loon sharons says..... laffing so hard I really think she wet her pants...... Ann is uncontrolable and the tears are running down her face......... WHAT? I say........ you said park on the lawn and thats what Ive done LOL.........
As we calmed down, and looked out the front windscreen, there was about 15 faces peering out of the window at us...... and there in the middle was JULIA...... posh, stuck up Julia..... ashen she was, bloody ashen LMFAO
OMG OMG we are still laffing and Ann says, I think we should just reverse and make a run for it....... oh sod it I says, we are here now and it looks like they are waiting for us LMFAO..... good job we had dropped the nippers off somewhere else first, or I WOULD OF been in deep shit, cos there also peering out of the window was one of the Government Inspectors there to explain new policies etc LMFAO LMFAO....
So I says....... ok you two get out first lmfao... nope they say, lets just stay here lol..... but we decided to face the music, cos the front door flung open and a very red face midget, opps sorry, a red faced real angry Julia came stomping down the path LOL......
WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING............ Ann and Sharon both look at me for a lead....... emmmmm there was nowhere to park, I says and Sharon (dobbing her in) said it would be ok to park on the lawn........... LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE she says...... get out the bloody car and look what you have done......... MY MOTHER BOUGHT ME THAT..... she is screaming whilst pointing sort of under me car....... LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE......
So we climb out me car onto the little lawn, I must admit it was a bit squiggy and me car had sort of made fairly deep indents in the lawn lol........ but there under the front wheel we could just make out something red....... omg omg I thought I must of run over her cat or better still her dopey boring husband........ no such luck though........ by now Julia was actually really crying and our laffing didnt really seem to go down to well......... by now the whole meeting had flooded out of her house and was all standing like soldiers on the front step, shaking heads and tut tut tutting...... Should I reverse, I say, Sharon by now was laffing so hard that she had to walk round the back of the car.... REVERSE said Julia, LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, I LOVED IT and now you have destroyed it.......... holy shit, I thought I really had run over a cat or the hubby, I looked over at Ann who was crying tears of laughter, YOUR ON YOUR OWN WITH THIS ONE MEL she said through huge inbreathes lol....
Calm down Julia, Calm down, you'll give yourself a stroke or something, I says, look it might still be alive, let me reverse and we can see if its ok...... so I jump back in me car and reverse off the lawn and back over the flower borders, over the kerb and just abandon me car in the middle of the road....... I say........ will it be ok there........ she was SO NOT HAPPY :)........ I again look at Ann and Sharon for support but they have left this sane planet and are just a ball of laughter....... bloody mates...... who needs then in a jam aye......... Julia is still going off on one so I walk over where I had driven......... USE THE PATH SHE SCREAMS lol........ and go see what it is Ive killed...... by now I was giggling and giggling and she was saying ITS NOT FUNNY YOU ARE NOT FUNNY.... me tyres had left 5 inch deep tread marks right across her lawn and her flower border...... so I says...... trying to lighten the atmosphere..... Julia you so need to get some proper drainage in this lawn its well soft......... have you ever heard a midget wail...... it was not good, with 15 angry faces looking at us, I look to where she is pointing.... and there in the tread groove squashed almost beyond reconition was a bloody garden gnome...... a BLOODY GNOME....... no cat, no boring hubby..... a bloody gnome........ well that just started me Ann and Sharon off again......
Do you know what........ some people just dont see the funny side of things LMFAO

Anyways, we went into the meeting..... they didnt even offer us coffee or biscuits....... tossers...........and they asked us to leave after about 15 minutes cos everytime I looked across at one of me maties, we all started that daft uncontrolable giggling............. so you see, going back to the same place today, bought back such funny memories......and today when we got there, there is a sign on the lawn that says.......... NO PARKING lmfao hahahahahahaha
It cost me £80 ($160) to put right the damage....... but, I didnt care........ cos that memory has no pricetag .......

I wish I could of found this gnome as a replacement :)
ok enuff Thursday Twaddle....
ps, now I have this David Bowie song in me head....... :)
Laughing Gnome Lyrics
Artist: David Bowie
Album: Images 1966-1967
was walking down the High Street
When I heard footsteps behind me
And there was a little old man (Hello)
In scarlet and grey, shuffling away (laughter)
Well he trotted back to my house
And he sat beside the telly (Oaah..)
With his tiny hands on his tummy
Chuckling away, laughing all day (laughter)
Oh, I ought to report you to the Gnome office
(Gnome Office)
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing Gnome and you can't catch me"
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing Gnome and you can't catch me"
Said the laughing Gnome
Well I gave him roasted toadstools and a glass of dandelion wine (Burp, pardon)
Then I put him on a train to Eastbourne
Carried his bag and gave him a fag
(Haven't you got a light boy?)
"Here, where do you come from?"
(Gnome-man's land, hahihihi)
"Oh, really?"
In the morning when I woke up
He was sitting on the edge of my bed
With his brother whose name was Fred
He'd bought him along to sing me a song
Right, let's hear it
Here, what's that clicking noise?
(That's Fred, he's a "metrognome", haha)
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing Gnome and you don't catch me"
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing Gnome and you can't catch me"
(Own up, I'm a gnome, ain't I right, haha)
"Haven't you got an 'ome to go to?"
(No, we're gnomads)
"Didn't they teach you to get your hair cut at school?
you look like a rolling gnome."
(No, not at the London School of Ecognomics)
Now they're staying up the chimney
And we're living on caviar and honey (hooray!)
Cause they're earning me lots of money
Writing comedy prose for radio shows
It's the-er (what?)
It's the Gnome service of course
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing Gnome and you don't catch me"
Ha ha ha, oh, dear me
(Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing Gnome and you can't catch me"
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
"I'm a laughing Gnome and you can't catch me")
(One more time, yeah)